My Blog, My Story, My Life...

Assalamualaikum to all;

Here yee! Here yee!... announcing my new blog... with a fresh new look... n more spaces for me to share my story with the whole world... but still, with my old own topics; i'll share with u on HOW I LIVE MY LIFE HAPPILY esp after all what i've been through with my beloved BAY n also with our newest bundle of joy... MUHAMMAD IHSAN!!

as for those who haven't read anything about myself before, please feel free to know me from my old stories from my previous blog which u can access from the sidebar of this blog.

so, happy blogging to me... hehehe... n happy reading to all of you! =)


  1. Tahniah to Mummy Ihsan! teringinnya mak long nak jumpa Ihsan... hug and kisses to the cuddly baby.

  2. congratzz on the new baby..fuish rupa cam anak jepon lak, takde rupa jawa pun..kikikiki..
